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Saturday, September 9, 2023

International Day of Yoga - San Antonio, Texas

June 17th 2023

This past weekend, San Antonio Riverwalk visitors witnessed a yoga performance by an amazing crew of over 100 yogis. Registration was free for the community. IDoYoga organized the program in collaboration with SEWA, and HSS along with several local Yoga based organizations.

The program started at 10:45 am with the echoing of a mantra from one of the timelines books of Hindu Scriptures - the Rig VedaHSS Volunteers gathered over the bridge and recited Sangachhadhwam Samvadadhwam.

The participants were dressed up in white shirts with the June 21st International Day of Yoga Logo emblemed on them. They ranged between the ages of 5 and 70. The yoga demo lasted a little over 10 min with the participants showcasing outstanding coordination while performing complex asanas with commendable poise and grace. As Dr. Hetal Nayak explained later, many of the kids started with her just over 6 months ago. Others have been attending her community-based classes for over a decade or so now.

A flash mob dance on the song "Yoga Se Hi Hoga" [Yoga will lead us on our pathway] was performed. The song was so contagious, riverwalk visitors could be seen dancing across all floors from within the wall-to-wall surrounding glass buildings.

This hour-long class was followed by a free yoga class led by Dr. Hetal and Ana Hollis; Founder of the San Antonio chapter of Ashtanga YogShala.

The occasion was graced by Aseem Mahajan - Consul General of India Houston, Phyllis Viagran - District 3 Councilwoman, and Sherry Dowlatsahi - Chief of Protocol for the City of San Antonio’s International Relations Office. Each one applauded the organizers and participants for bringing Yoga, the ancient Indian sciences to the masses here in the United States. A Proclamation was read by Councilwoman Phyllis Viagran. Aseem Mahajan exclaimed more than once that we were inspired to see so many kids practicing yoga.
One of the Many Free Community Classes Across San AntonioPhoto byIDoYoga

Sewa International donated checks for $2500 each to Yoga Day And Esther Vexlar in their efforts to financially support Yoga teachers to continue teaching underprivileged kids in public schools of San Antonio.

The event concluded with a throwing of colors event. Skin and eco-friendly vegetable colors (prepared and shipped from India) were distributed to all present to celebrate a kind of off-season mini Holi. Most inspiringly in the thick of the June Heat, thick white clouds provided cool shade over the skies for almost until the program lastest.

All Participants received a coupon for a $25 free meal by PostMates, a free copy of Deborah Charnes’s book, and a free bag by HEB with Holi colors and other goodies. June 17th served as the kickoff for the “Int'l Day of Yoga. San Antonians may continue celebrating International Day of Yoga, with more than 50 free classes in town until June 24th.

To donate or to find other free events, please visit

For more about the organization:


Dr. Hetal is an anesthesiologist turned Yoga Teacher. She is the Director of Aum Yog Sadhna, one of the many projects supported by Aum Ashram San Antonio. She leads free community Yoga classes for all ages at Aum Ashram. In 2015 she founded IDoYoga along with Trinabh Shukla and Maggie

Trinabh Shukla, co-founder of IDoYoga also serves as the Secretary of the SouthWest Division of HSS He says he derives inspiration from the founding members of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh.

Dr. Hetal, Trinabh, and Maggie founded IDoYoga in 2015. Since then it had grown multifold when Shari, Kristen, Stacie and Judith joined hands. IDoYoga celebrates International Yoga Festival Each year. The first one was held at Alamo.

About the Author:

Deepti Sharan is a vegan ambassador who has worked with Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN), Anonymous for the Voiceless (AV)Direct Action Everywhere (DXE), Humane LeagueHumane Society; and VeganOutreach. After staying on the West Coast for over 1.5 decades has settled in San Antonio, Texas with her family.

Originally posted by Deepti on 2023-06-19 at 

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