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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Gluten and Non Gluten Flours

Gluten and Non-Gluten Flours 

I created these tables based on my own research to help me make better choices for my family. Hope this helps your family too. 

I am not a professional nutritionist or a doctor. I am not responsible if any errors are found in the table below.  

1Amaranth GrainRajgira, Ramdana
2Buckwheat GroatsSabut KuttuBuckwheat Flour – Kuttu ka Atta
3Arrowroot FlourArraroot, Araruta, Paniphal.White colored four made from the arrowroot tubers. Used as a thickening and binding agent.
4Water Chestnut FlourSinghare ka Atta.
6Cassava or Tapioca FlourTapioca or Shimla Aloo Flour, Kachalu.Malayalam: Kappa) . There is also Sabudana Flour which is made from Sabudana or Tapioca pearls.
7Quinoa.-No Hindi Name as these grains are not locally grown.
8Oats GLUTEN FREE ONLYJai ('Ja-ee')Javie or Jawie (Punjabi), Joi ( Bengali)
10Pearl MilletBajraKambu (Tamil) (used in making flat breads and is very healthy)
11SorghumJuar, JowarCholam (Tamil)
12Finger MilletRagiMandua (used in making ragi dosa, puddings and dumplings)
13Foxtail MilletKangni (Hindi), Navane (Kannada), Thinai (Tamil), Kang (Gujarati), Rala (Marathi)
14Kodo MilletKodra (Hindi), Harka (Kannada) Varagu (Tamil)
15Little MilletKutki (Hindi), Samai (Tamil)
16Barnyard MilletSamoSama ke chawal, Samvat, Sanva, Samva, Swang, Varai, Vari, Bhagar, Kuthiravaali (Tamil).
1BarleyJav, Jau,Job (Bengali)
2Bulgur-Pre-cooked cracked wheat
4Durum-wheat with hard dark-colored kernels
5Einkorn-? Modern Wheat
6Emmer-hard red wheat grown especially in Russia and Germany; in United States as stock feed
8Graham-flour made by grinding the entire wheat berry including the bran; (`whole meal flour is British usage)
10MaltMalt Extract, Malt Flavoring, Maly Syrupa cereal grain (usually barley) soaked in water, germinated and kiln-dried. Used especially in brewing and distilling
11Rye-एक प्रकार का अनाज जो गेहूं से निकृष्ट होता है
12Spelt-hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe for livestock feed
14Triticale-A hybrid of wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale) first bred in laboratories during the late 19th century

*What are Millets?

-->Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. They do not form a taxonomic group, but rather a functional or agronomic one. Millets are important crops in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa (especially inIndia, Nigeria, and Niger), with 97% of millet production in developing countries.[1] The crop is favored due to its productivity and short growing season under dry, high temperature conditions.

A helpful Link