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Sunday, May 17, 2015

I just can't quit my one cuppa Tea (Coffee)

"I can leave everything, except Tea!" 

"But even doctors say you can have one cup of tea (one cup of coffee) a day"

"I have got to have something warm after waking up" 

"Without coffee, I don't feel fresh. I can't go to work / do house hold chores / do blah blah blah."

"I am not addicted like you were Deepti. I just like to have it. Nothing will happen if I don't have tea, but I still have it.  

"You are vegan. Well I am vegan too." (After some follow up clarification questions from me...) "Well I mean, little-bit-vegan. I don't like cheese. Ya, I can eat cheese in pizza, but not otherwise. I eat paneer [cottage cheese] very rarely. Like once a week. Ya chai is one thing I can not leave." 

"Arey Deepti I already know tea / coffee is not good! That's why I have only one cup a day." 

"Bas too much hoagaya. [Enough of your lecture] I don't want to listen to how cows are treated, else it will become 'so difficult' for me to have my tea. I cant live without my tea."

"I 'don't like the taste of milk'. So I add a little bit tea to it. After that it tastes so much better. Thats the only way I can have milk, otherwise it tastes so bad"

And more...

Did you ever want to leave tea or coffee, and thought you can't? And if yes - do you have your own unique and different excuse (politically correct phrase: 'genuine reason' thats preventing you from doing so? 

Each week, I have a brand new voice telling me, they can not become vegan because, they can quit everything made from dairy; but the tea (coffee)! The responses above, are actual responses given by real people as a part of our conversation! 

First of all for God sake, stop telling me you have tea, cause thats the only way you can intake milk in your body. Cows are surviving and thriving without human milk since eons! So can you without steeling theirs! 

Now My Dearies, allow me to BREAK YOUR MYTH! If an ordinary person like me can quit tea and coffee, so can YOU! For many of vegan friends, quitting all dairy, meat, eggs, fish has been an overnight deal. For me it took me one full year. Especially when it came to tea - partly the relaxation my addiction gave me, and partly the social acceptance I received on sharing a cup of tea with friends and family, I had three iterations of quitting and restarting tea within the first year of being an aspiring-vegan.  

As I learnt later in life, any residual craving in the after years, was either due to lack of sleep or some emotional need; and unlike my earlier belief of tea as one-fix-for-all; required either resting, going for a walk or distraction methodology such as watching TV or 'retail therapy' (usually the last one as hubby's credit card info safely resides in's 1-click. Or if nothing else the Alderwood Mall is just 10 minutes away :) 
None the less, I can not emphasize more. The freedom I felt from over coming my addiction was priceless. 

And if are still in doubt about your addictions - I can gladly put you in touch with my colleagues from work; or prior to that - my Bangalore's Paying Guest aunt or even way before that - my college time friends. Even after a decade and half, my ex-room mates sometimes talk about the enormous amounts of time and energy I would spend to acquire one cup of special request post-dinner tea; which unlike the morning, noon or evening servings was a privileged cup, as it was not a part of the hostels menu's scheduled servings.  

But, lets begin with the chat-pati [spicy] story first.  

Duration: Courtship. Circa 2004  
Location: Jaya Nagar, Bangalore
Time: Never too cold, never too warm nice (read: romantic) Saturday afternoon. 
Scene: I haven't had my fix since several hours now. And my body is craving. Having managed to survive on alcohol since college days (Yups! Poor guy - he was completely normal, before he married me!!!), Abhinav is not yet entirely familiar with x-y coordinates of tea and coffee stalls in Jaya Nagar. As a reminder, this is the pre smartphone / yelp / google-maps age. I share the idea of having a cup of chai / or the yummy Madras coffee, which ever could be spotted first. Another 10 minutes have passed and so I remind him. In his usual gentle voice he tells me he thought there was one was in the direction in which we both were heading; but since there isn't, he will keep looking as we continue to stroll. Another 10 more minutes; and my head is pounding and aching so badly that I almost yell at  him - "I need it and I need it now!" I leave the rest of the conversation and our evening to your imagination :) Anyhow, the one good outcome of that fateful evening was that, until up to 2011, we both knew if I didn't get my anticipated fix, who was in trouble! :) 

Fast forward to 2010; I was contemplating whether there was any truth to all the violence the animals were shown to experience, or whether there were more secrets to this whole notion of veganism. Unlike other vegans, I did not have one single person in my life, to hold my hand and show me the path. Instead I had the support system of (then 2000) people, all of whom I had never met, heard or seen before - except on the facebook forum Indian Vegans. Here people who shared their experiences and responded to my doubts and fears came from all walks of life. From musicians, to engineers, lawyers, teachers, librarians, judges, doctors, students, models, athletic trainers, body builders, sports players, actors, singers, etc. There were 80 years olds, who had been vegan since over 5 decades and there new and curious ones like me; There were seasoned ones - extremely confident about their vegan pregnancies, and al categories falling somewhere in between. As I read people's stories and experiences from all walks of life, I instantly gave up all things dairy. Paneer, Cheese, Pizza, Butter, Khoya, Creamery, Yogurt, Butter-Milk, Ghee plus all dairy based sweets, cookies, bread and related items (I had already quit meat back in 2001 when my cousin Piyush shared his thoughts back then)   

Tea was something that needed some work. Post meals I would become a potato couch until I had a cup of tea. My life was surrounded by either tea, or the thought of having tea, or from the lingering memories of the tea that I had the last time. House hold chores were planned around my tea. First tea - then this. First tea - then that. No tea - no this, no that! 

So it was during those days, I was experimenting with almond tea and other non-dairy alternatives tea. Abhinav ji started liking those too. For a long time, we ended up consuming home made non dairy tea / coffee. It struck me one day, that I can have home-made or store-bought vegan milk stand by in the comfort of my own home; but what when I am away? What when I visit a friend straight from work? What when I end up being at a new place unplanned? How would I survive without my doze then? 

Around that time, I also happened to visit India. A few weeks into my trip, owing to my weakness I caved in and gave up my resolution. The four to eight times a day, tulsi, black pepper and ginger added to that perfectly brewed dairy milk chai spreading its soothing aroma into every nook and corner of the home was way too tempting to care about a voiceless non-human's life and death. In other words, no matter how gruesome the thought of cows being raped, new born calves being torn away, or no matter how heart wrenching the recorded cries of those new mother cows dying to feed their baby; it took me almost an entire year to be able to kick out dairy based caffeine and nicotine from my life. 

Coming to the only important part  - 
In my various attempts to leave these socially accepted addictions, one of the experiments that turned out super successful was pretty easy to implement too. This is what I did: 

Add the usual 1-2 spoons of regular sugar into boiling water. Add extra sugar if you feel like. Forget calories for a month. For some frame of reference, that one can of coke you had yesterday, had one cup of sugar in it. Plus your body is anyhow way toxic and dehydrated from the tea and coffee from years of consumption, that a few extra spoons of sugar for a month would make no difference to its overall health and wellbeing. On the contrary, its rather going to thank you in less than a couple of months from now when you are have quit. If you in the mood, also add any or of all of the following - tulsi leaves, black pepper, ginger powder or freshly grated ginger. In short, make your regular tea, minus the tea leaves and minus the dairy milk. 

Now drink this! I guarantee this combination alone is going to give you instant satisfaction. I would be surprised if you said otherwise. I would be happy to learn about your experience either ways; which believe me - will be very positive. 

As a side note - if you were born in India 200 years ago, (precisely before the Britishers invaded Indians), this is exactly what you would have been served - minus the sugar; which would be have been replaced with the more grounded alternative - the unprocessed predecessor 'jaggery'.  

Lets getting to the science behind why do we get addicted: 
Other than water, the main ingredients of tea are: 

  • Nicotine / Caffeine: addictive (as we all know) 
  • Sugar: addictive for many (instant form of energy or kick)
  • Milk from an animal - whether cow or human: ADDICTIVE

In a simple scenario - Lets imagine (in the ideal world where the calf is allowed his mother's milk) one day he just tells him mom - "Nah! Not in a mood to drink your stuff mom. I plan to graze on grass today." Okay, may be it didn't strike you as something odd. Lets take a human baby. 

Now what if the human baby said - "Nah! Not in a mood to drink your stuff mom. I plan to chew some pakoras (salted fritters) today." This is how you would respond to that - "Well my darling infant, first - in your initial months of birth, you still don't have teeth yet. And second - your intestines are not yet developed to handle any food, other than the milk Mother Nature has designed to have your human mom produce for you!" 

Its for this reason, all milk - and yes all milk coming from any mom, whether human or tiger or cow is designed to be addictive. When 10 year old human infants continue to have those morphins from another animal mom; day-in and day-out, increasing their consumption as they grow from kids into teens, to 20's, to 30's and then finally forever - they do get hooked to it for a lifetime. 

The trick is to break that cycle of addiction. 

With that done - your battle is half won. The warm water and sugar - once or even several times a day - continues to give you some of that same level of comfort you are used to. Finally at some point - your body learns not to depend on those empty calories alone and at this point you have already broken the schakels of addiction to quite an extent. Just keep going to a point where your body reduces or refuses to have that senseless sugary drink. 
Once done - sit in front of a mirror, give yourself a nice deep look, and pat your back! Praise yourself for having won the war that many will sadly continue to struggle with!! 

Oh and to avoid my hosts from the guilty of not serving me a drink, I usually keep sipping from a glass of water. Makes everyone happy! 

PS: After sharing my success story dozens of times with friends and family, Abhinav Ji finally decided to take up to the challenge for himself. At the point of writing this he is sober since over 16 days now. Mind it - I am not using the word sober, in any light humor here. For many of us tea coffee are no less terrible addictions than alcohol. His battle is a battle already half - won. When does yours start? 

Lets collectively stop this socially acceptable drink to continue to dehydrate and destroy our bodies.   

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Quick Tips when a baby is around the corner

One of my dear friends is pregnant and I am super happy for her. Heres a quickie of what I intended to share with her. Hope it helps other would be moms too. 

As I was trying to recollect what should she buy. Heres what I could recollect. Got to write it all down before I totally forget in the next few years :) 

Medications and Oils: 

Eucalyptus oil - Most helpful in colds and coughs. Put 1-4 drops in a pan of boiling water. Have your baby in your lap. Ask your spouse to cover you both with a blanket. The steam carrying vapors of the oil help open us blocked nostrils. 

For clearing nose snorts.Nosefrida Aspirator/ - Highly recommended on Amazon 

Baby friendly thermometer. (One with more plastic and less glass exposed for the risk of falling down and breaking into pieces)

Fever medication. (I am against western medication (also known as allopathy) However this is one thing, I believe your home should have. ) India - paracetamol broken into tinier pieces helps. In US, stores sell Tylenol specific to the baby's age group.  

Shoes, slippers, sandles until age 6 months is a total waste of money. Another total waste of money are hand mittens. (better use socks to prevent the baby from scratching her/himself) 

Fancy clothes are useless too. The baby remains swaddled mostly or is throwing up or is getting a massage ( Very important to do - for proper blood circulation). Hence buttonless, hookless, pinless, too much of strings and addons less are recommended. Basically simple designs on gentle fabric (preferably organic) cottons are the best. Have at least 6-8 pairs of dresses on hand.  

Try to keep the head covered as much as possible. The reason is a lot of heat is lost from the head. The fat is what helps the baby to stay warm. A new baby is born without the fat - to help itself easily squeeze out of a mom's vagina during birth. 

Additional layers - to the extent that the baby is not loosing a ton of its body's water in sweat are always recommended too. 

(1) 5-8 burp clothes. Size approx: 1'x6'' ( 1 feet by 6 inches) 
(2) 10-12 bed sheets. Size approx: 3'x2'. Preferably with plastic beneath and (organic is best) cotton on the side facing the baby. 
(3) 4-6 swaddlers. Minimum size approx 2'x2'. 

If you are India, you can tear a nice bedsheet into squares and rectangles. In US, if you are on a low budget, there is at least one Dollar Store in every neighborhood. You might have to visit a few of these stores to get everything you have on your list. They are unpredictable in what they carry. If you and your partner are ok with using second hand products - local Thrift stores are a good option too. 

More Info
A baby center video on the how best to swaddle (tightly wrap a baby to prevent him to wake up from his own jerks. (Swaddling process starts at 2 minutes). 

People / Newsletters I read and subscribed to
You will be spending a ton of time just sitting with newly born in your lap. So I HIGHLY recommend you always the the material next to you bedside / listen to / watch that you always wanted to read, but could not do so in the past due to lack of time.

For Birth Plans and Info on intervention-less deliveries 
1. - Check File Library 
2. If you are in the US, you are allowed to make way more choices. Heres an idea on how to write a birth plan.  
3. If I know you personally, I would be happy to share my personal birth plan with me. Just shoot me an email. 

Newsletters I subscribed to: 
Also when I was pregnant with Atharv, for baby related info, I had subscribed to tons of websites. The more one reads, the less there is worry about the day-to-day changes that are part of the growing process of a newly born baby. AND,,, 
Swedish /Overlake/ Group - which ever your hospital is. They too have nice info.  

Post Delivery
Let me stress on this once again You will never again get this kind of time to read this much until several years in future. Here are some suggestions based on your interests 
1. Books (Novels, Non-fiction, technical), Magazines
2. (If a laptop is not feasible, there is an app for smartphone 
3. Documentaries, TV serials on Netflix, Youtube, Youku etc.  


Handling the 'Law' (especially Mother In Law!)  
You will get a ton of advice from your MIL. Some of her requests are doable. Some is not. Its your baby and not your MIL. Your focus should be on what is best for your baby and not how to explain situations to your MIL.  For instance, if you MIL expects you to keep your hands, legs and and head self covered - she has a point to make there. I did it with my second one and there is marked improvement of handling temperature variations in the second one than my first one. ( There were other factors too, such as my first one was a winter baby, where as the second one was a summer one. Plus by the time the second one came, we became vegans - which boosted the general immunity of my family by many times). Any how the point I was coming to. If you feel suffocated with a cap in 40 degrees celsius - you can very well show her you that you tried just because you wanted to be a good DIL and have been sweating since the last 30 minutes and perhaps are on the verge of a severe dehydration by now... which is worst for your kid than not wearing a cap yourself. Let her take the call and make her feel proud to have made that choice that over clothing the new mom was a bad idea to begin with. Win-win situation for both. 

If your baby's no longer an infant, heres a nice business idea - Start a 'MIL Management sessions'. I bet there are a lot who would like to join ;) 

More later.