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Friday, September 29, 2017

Kids Grow Faster Than the Blink of Your Eyes!

Sandra J Gallardo is an excellent school when it comes to following rules. Yet its emotional quotient bank balance is sure running in deficit. This became even more evident after the recent encounter with my daughter's class teacher and the Principal!

Ever since the days when Atharv was in pre-kindergarden, whether a student of the school or not; Avika has followed me to every single volunteering activity I undertook. Whether it was labeling the library's books at Lowell Elementary, sharpening pencils or helping students in adding single digit numbers at Martha Lake Elementary or sorting beads, bags and stuff for an afterschool maths activity at Natoma StationSidenote: Yes, so far Athav has broken all records in both my and Abhinav's families. This is his 5th year in public schools and he is at school #4 already. Surprising; unlike Avika's unwavering terrible-twos behavior at home for over 6 years; every time I volunteered at school, she would sit quietly sit beside me, watch me intently, and after a while sometimes even imitate me as a faithful helper! 

When we changed apartments last November, we also decided to change schools mid-session! The front desk staff and both the teachers were deeply emotional at the news; as was I. Our move from Seattle had been a rushed and very bumpy one. Between mid-August and October, Natoma Station was already home, not just for the kids for their mom too! Pulling the kids out of school was a major heartbreak, but it felt like moving to Sandra was the correct thing to do in the kids best interest!

The first few interactions with the front desk made me feel I was some Khan being interrogated at the US airport for trying to smuggle an illegal nail cutter with a knife! However, with time I made it a point to remember Durga Ma's before entering the premises. Gradually over the year, the interactions become smoother!

Among other things, one of the weirdest things about Folsom Cordova Unified School District are the insanely varying routines for different elementary grades. For instance Kindergarteners attended school for 3ish hours at Natoma Station and closer to 4ish hours at Sandra. Then there are Grade 1st and 2st, who attend school for around 5.5 hours and then come the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders; who attend school for 6ish hours. The schools will start and end at 'easy-to-remember' times such as 8:22 and 2:37! Absolutely never at the 5's 10's! Then there are minimum days and then there are super minimum days and then there are different times when those three categories of grades will start and end school on those special minimum / super minimum days! In short, there is a good scope to consider applying for a Phd in school timings in our school district; especially if you have a kid in more than one of the above category! Well, there is a positive side of it too, unlike lazy folks like me; moms who live nearby get their daily dose of walking back and forth to the school if not more, at least 4 times a day, dropping or picking one of their kids the entire day!

So coming back to Sandra's emotion quotient. Avika would get out of school at noon. all of the fun activities and most of the volunteering needs in Atharv's classes would be in the afternoon. Sandra has been the first and the only school; which would NOT ALLOW a sibling studying in the same school to accompany the parent, while the parent is volunteering. For this reason, despite Atharv having an excellent teacher last year, I barely felt being a part of Sandra! Among other things, such as celebrating American festivals; I was also forced to miss his birthday celebrations, Mothers Day and Graduation celebration! It was very hard! More so, since I was out of work the whole of last academic year and had no valid reason to not be a part of my child's happiest moments!

It was only when Avika started going for another 2 hours this year; that I could accompany Atharv to his field trip this last Wednesday; to be back before Avika was out school. His class had a trip to Maidu Museum; where we learned a ton about native Americans! Hats off to the Native Americans for fighting for their rights and including mandatory information sessions on their culture and heritage into the California Text Books! Their efforts deserve a separate and dedicated post! 

For today's field trip, I was the chaperone for 5 kids, incidentally all boys that day. I grouped them into pairs and had one of them be my buddy. Then I held my buddy's hand as we walked from the class to the bus. After a few seconds, it felt strange and I let go of my buddy's hand! I realized these boys had suddenly grown up! And so must have Atharv too! I see him every day and never noticed him growing up! As we waited for the buses to line up, I noticed these boys were way more confident than before. They were also more content among themselves. I realized that today no one would be requesting Mrs. Deepti to tie their shoelaces or open their water bottles. No one would be struggling to put away their lunch boxes in their bags. Until a year or two ago, when I was with similar aged kids, their whole faces would lit up like light bulbs in response to my smile. But these 3rd graders had suddenly grown up, and were little teenagers already! They couldn't care less in response to my smile. It felt like a boulder suddenly hitting me in my face! There was a realization that I had missed an entire year of their lives! 

Last week, after a friend returned home, after dropping her daughter to college, I enquired if her daughter was now settled. She texted me back saying - "We are all learning to get settled!"

In a few months from now, Atharv will be celebrating his last single digit birthday! When did that happen? Until yesterday, wasn't I constantly on my edge, being watchful of him and his little sister getting into mischiefs; afraid that someday they may pull a chair in the balcony on the 8th floor and jump off just for the fun of it! 

That same largest single digit number and he will fly out of his nest for good, soaring the skies on his own! That thought literally pricked my heart, leaving me sleepless at 2 am; despite celebrating Durga Naumi in the morning, followed by a long day at the Instructional Quality Commission in Sacramento! And sadly, I have not felt my heart pricked for the first time! Kids literally do grow up faster than you can blink your eyes! As challenging as parenting can be; I am teaching myself to learn to enjoy while they are still with me!   

Monday, September 25, 2017

|| Indian Heritage e-Library ||

|| Indian Heritage e-Library ||

यह eLibrary है, इसमें कई सौ अमूल्य ग्रंथों के PDF हैं, ताकि यह ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों के काम आ सकें, देश धर्म संबंधी अमूल्य पुस्तकें इन लिंक में संग्रहीत हैं, आप विषय देखकर लिंक खोलें तो बहुत सी पुस्तकें मिलेंगी, सभी पुस्तकें आप निशुल्क download कर सकते हैं, इन लिंक्स की किताबें दो साल में अलग अलग स्त्रोतों से इकट्ठी की गईं हैं, अपनी पसंद की किताबें पढ़ें और शेयर करें...

Aadi Shankaracharya - आद्य शंकराचार्य :-

Sri Aurobindo - श्री अरविंदो :-

Swami Dayananda - स्वामी दयानंद :-

Swami Vivekanand - स्वामी विवेकानन्द :-

Swami Shivanand - स्वामी शिवानंद :-

Swami Ramteerth - स्वामी रामतीर्थ :-

Sitaram Goel - सीताराम गोयल :-

Veer Savarkar - वीर सावरकर :-

P.N.Oak - पी.एन. ओक :-

हिन्दू, राष्ट्र:-

Basic Hinduism -

Hindutva and India :-

Islam Postmortem - इस्लाम की जांच पड़ताल :-

Christianity Postmortem - बाइबिल पर पैनी दृष्टि :-

Autobiography - आत्मकथाएं :-

धर्म एवं आध्यात्म -

यज्ञ Yajna -

Brahmcharya - ब्रह्मचर्य :-

Yog - योग :-

Upanishad - उपनिषद  :-

Geeta - श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता :-

Manusmriti - मनुस्मृति :-

Valmeeki and Kamba Ramayan - वाल्मीकि व कम्ब रामायण :-

Puran - पुराण :-

Books on Vedas - वेदों पर किताबें :-

Maharshi Dayananda - महर्षि दयानंद :-

-------------Complete commentaries on Veda - सम्पूर्ण वेद भाष्य --------

RigVeda - ऋग्वेद सम्पूर्ण -

YajurVeda - यजुर्वेद सम्पूर्ण -

SamaVeda - सामवेद सम्पूर्ण -

AtharvaVeda - अथर्ववेद सम्पूर्ण -

Vegan Resources by Bethany Shannon

Vegan Introduction & Resources by Bethany Shannon 

I reject injustice. I reject oppression.
It's why I'm vegan. And it's why you should be too.#speciesism #whyvegan
"The idea that we have the right to inflict suffering and death on other sentient beings for the trivial reason of palate pleasure is, without a doubt, one of the most arrogant and morally repugnant notions in the history of human thought."
Veganism is NOT a diet. It's a moral imperative.
*** Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. ***
➡️ Documentaries:
- "What the health" on Netflix:
- "Food Choices" on Netflix
- Eggs:
- "Cowspiracy" on Netflix
▫️Why Vegan?
- 101 reasons to go vegan:
- Carnism:
- "The most inspiring speech you will ever hear":
- "From excuse-itarian to vegan"
➡️ Books:
- How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger
- Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis
- Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.
- Program for Reversing Heart Disease by Dr. Dean Ornish
- The end of Heart Disease by Dr joel fuhrman
- Reversing Diabetes by Dr. Neal Barnard
- The Starch Solution by John McDougall MD
- The Cheese Trap by Dr. Neal Barnard
➡️ Vegan diets are healthful and are nutritionally adequate:
▫️ " It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes."
▫️According to the World Health Organization and the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Households should select predominantly plant-based diets rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, pulses or legumes, and minimally processed starchy staple foods. The evidence that such diets will prevent or delay a significant proportion of non-communicable chronic diseases is consistent. A predominantly plant-based diet has a low energy density, which may protect against obesity."
▫️ Kaiser Permanente (USA): "Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet, which we define as a regimen that encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meats, dairy products, and eggs as well as all refined and processed foods." They would also like to make plant-based diets the new normal for their patients and employees.…/s…/5117-nutrition.html
▫️ The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine promotes plant based diets:
▫️ "Vegans consume more fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, B6 (folate), B9, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and iron."…/A-scientific-review-of-the-repor…
▫️ "Overall nutrition, as assessed by the Alternative Healthy Eating Index, is typically better on vegetarian and vegan diets compared with omnivorous diets."…/S2212-2672(16)31192-3/fulltext
▫️ Where to get your nutrients on a plant based diet:…
➡️ Websites for recipes:
➡️Vegan Youtubers:
➡️ Vegan brands/products:
▫️Cheese: Follow Your Heart GO VEGGIE Field Roast Grain Meat Miyoko's Kitchen Daiya Foods Treeline Cheese Violife So Delicious Dairy Free Kite Hill
▫️ Milk/yogurt/ice cream: Elmhurst 1925 Good Karma Foods Silk Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Coffee-mate (they have almond based creamer) Breyers (they have almond based ice cream) Ben & Jerry's (they have almond based ice cream) Häagen-Dazs (they have almond based ice cream) So Delicious Dairy Free Califia Farms
▫️ Meat: gardein Tofurky Boca Beyond Meat Field Roast Grain Meat QuornYves Veggie Cuisine
➡️ Apps/websites:
- To find vegan options in your city:
- "Is it vegan?" app
- What is speciesism?
"Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way." - MLK Jr.