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Monday, December 28, 2020

Famous Indian Books Authors and Much More

1-अष्टाध्यायी               पाणिनी

2-रामायण                    वाल्मीकि

3-महाभारत                  वेदव्यास

4-अर्थशास्त्र                  चाणक्य

5-महाभाष्य                  पतंजलि

6-सत्सहसारिका सूत्र      नागार्जुन

7-बुद्धचरित                  अश्वघोष

8-सौंदरानन्द                 अश्वघोष

9-महाविभाषाशास्त्र        वसुमित्र

10- स्वप्नवासवदत्ता        भास

11-कामसूत्र                  वात्स्यायन

12-कुमारसंभवम्           कालिदास

13-अभिज्ञानशकुंतलम्    कालिदास  

14-विक्रमोउर्वशियां        कालिदास

15-मेघदूत                    कालिदास

16-रघुवंशम्                  कालिदास

17-मालविकाग्निमित्रम्   कालिदास

18-नाट्यशास्त्र              भरतमुनि

19-देवीचंद्रगुप्तम          विशाखदत्त

20-मृच्छकटिकम्          शूद्रक

21-सूर्य सिद्धान्त           आर्यभट्ट

22-वृहतसिंता               बरामिहिर

23-पंचतंत्र।                  विष्णु शर्मा

24-कथासरित्सागर        सोमदेव

25-अभिधम्मकोश         वसुबन्धु

26-मुद्राराक्षस               विशाखदत्त

27-रावणवध।              भटिट

28-किरातार्जुनीयम्       भारवि

29-दशकुमारचरितम्     दंडी

30-हर्षचरित                वाणभट्ट

31-कादंबरी                वाणभट्ट

32-वासवदत्ता             सुबंधु

33-नागानंद                हर्षवधन

34-रत्नावली               हर्षवर्धन

35-प्रियदर्शिका            हर्षवर्धन

36-मालतीमाधव         भवभूति

37-पृथ्वीराज विजय     जयानक

38-कर्पूरमंजरी            राजशेखर

39-काव्यमीमांसा         राजशेखर

40-नवसहसांक चरित   पदम् गुप्त

41-शब्दानुशासन         राजभोज

42-वृहतकथामंजरी      क्षेमेन्द्र

43-नैषधचरितम           श्रीहर्ष

44-विक्रमांकदेवचरित   बिल्हण

45-कुमारपालचरित      हेमचन्द्र

46-गीतगोविन्द            जयदेव

47-पृथ्वीराजरासो         चंदरवरदाई

48-राजतरंगिणी           कल्हण

49-रासमाला               सोमेश्वर

50-शिशुपाल वध          माघ

51-गौडवाहो                वाकपति

52-रामचरित                सन्धयाकरनंदी

53-द्वयाश्रय काव्य         हेमचन्द्र


प्र.1-  वेद किसे कहते है ?

उत्तर-  ईश्वरीय ज्ञान की पुस्तक को वेद कहते है।

प्र.2-  वेद-ज्ञान किसने दिया ?

उत्तर-  ईश्वर ने दिया।

प्र.3-  ईश्वर ने वेद-ज्ञान कब दिया ?

उत्तर-  ईश्वर ने सृष्टि के आरंभ में वेद-ज्ञान दिया।

प्र.4-  ईश्वर ने वेद ज्ञान क्यों दिया ?

उत्तर- मनुष्य-मात्र के कल्याण         के लिए।

प्र.5-  वेद कितने है ?

उत्तर- चार ।                                                  





प्र.6-  वेदों के ब्राह्मण ।

        वेद              ब्राह्मण

1 - ऋग्वेद      -     ऐतरेय

2 - यजुर्वेद      -     शतपथ

3 - सामवेद     -    तांड्य

4 - अथर्ववेद   -   गोपथ

प्र.7-  वेदों के उपवेद कितने है।

उत्तर -  चार।

      वेद                     उपवेद

    1- ऋग्वेद       -     आयुर्वेद

    2- यजुर्वेद       -    धनुर्वेद

    3 -सामवेद      -     गंधर्ववेद

    4- अथर्ववेद    -     अर्थवेद

प्र 8-  वेदों के अंग हैं ।

उत्तर -  छः ।

1 - शिक्षा

2 - कल्प

3 - निरूक्त

4 - व्याकरण

5 - छंद

6 - ज्योतिष

प्र.9- वेदों का ज्ञान ईश्वर ने किन किन ऋषियो को दिया ?

उत्तर- चार ऋषियों को।

         वेद                ऋषि

1- ऋग्वेद         -      अग्नि

2 - यजुर्वेद       -       वायु

3 - सामवेद      -      आदित्य

4 - अथर्ववेद    -     अंगिरा

प्र.10-  वेदों का ज्ञान ईश्वर ने ऋषियों को कैसे दिया ?

उत्तर- समाधि की अवस्था में।

प्र.11-  वेदों में कैसे ज्ञान है ?

उत्तर-  सब सत्य विद्याओं का ज्ञान-विज्ञान।

प्र.12-  वेदो के विषय कौन-कौन से हैं ?

उत्तर-   चार ।

        ऋषि        विषय

1-  ऋग्वेद    -    ज्ञान

2-  यजुर्वेद    -    कर्म

3-  सामवे     -    उपासना

4-  अथर्ववेद -    विज्ञान

प्र.13-  वेदों में।

ऋग्वेद में।

1-  मंडल      -  10

2 - अष्टक     -   08

3 - सूक्त        -  1028

4 - अनुवाक  -   85 

5 - ऋचाएं     -  10589

यजुर्वेद में।

1- अध्याय    -  40

2- मंत्र           - 1975

सामवेद में।

1-  आरचिक   -  06

2 - अध्याय     -   06

3-  ऋचाएं       -  1875

अथर्ववेद में।

1- कांड      -    20

2- सूक्त      -   731

3 - मंत्र       -   5977


प्र.14-  वेद पढ़ने का अधिकार किसको है ?                                                                                                                                                              उत्तर-  मनुष्य-मात्र को वेद पढ़ने का अधिकार है।

प्र.15-  क्या वेदों में मूर्तिपूजा का विधान है ?

उत्तर-  बिलकुल भी नहीं।

प्र.16-  क्या वेदों में अवतारवाद का प्रमाण है ?

उत्तर-  नहीं।

प्र.17-  सबसे बड़ा वेद कौन-सा है ?

उत्तर-  ऋग्वेद।

प्र.18-  वेदों की उत्पत्ति कब हुई ?

उत्तर-  वेदो की उत्पत्ति सृष्टि के आदि से परमात्मा द्वारा हुई । अर्थात 1 अरब 96 करोड़ 8 लाख 43 हजार वर्ष पूर्व । 

प्र.19-  वेद-ज्ञान के सहायक दर्शन-शास्त्र ( उपअंग ) कितने हैं और उनके लेखकों का क्या नाम है ?


1-  न्याय दर्शन  - गौतम मुनि।

2- वैशेषिक दर्शन  - कणाद मुनि।

3- योगदर्शन  - पतंजलि मुनि।

4- मीमांसा दर्शन  - जैमिनी मुनि।

5- सांख्य दर्शन  - कपिल मुनि।

6- वेदांत दर्शन  - व्यास मुनि।

प्र.20-  शास्त्रों के विषय क्या है ?

उत्तर-  आत्मा,  परमात्मा, प्रकृति,  जगत की उत्पत्ति,  मुक्ति अर्थात सब प्रकार का भौतिक व आध्यात्मिक  ज्ञान-विज्ञान आदि।

प्र.21-  प्रामाणिक उपनिषदे कितनी है ?

उत्तर-  केवल ग्यारह।

प्र.22-  उपनिषदों के नाम बतावे ?


01-ईश ( ईशावास्य )  










11-श्वेताश्वतर ।

प्र.23-  उपनिषदों के विषय कहाँ से लिए गए है ?

उत्तर- वेदों से।

प्र.24- चार वर्ण।


1- ब्राह्मण

2- क्षत्रिय

3- वैश्य

4- शूद्र

प्र.25- चार युग।

1- सतयुग - 17,28000  वर्षों का नाम ( सतयुग ) रखा है।

2- त्रेतायुग- 12,96000  वर्षों का नाम ( त्रेतायुग ) रखा है।

3- द्वापरयुग- 8,64000  वर्षों का नाम है।

4- कलयुग- 4,32000  वर्षों का नाम है।

कलयुग के 5122  वर्षों का भोग हो चुका है अभी तक।

4,27024 वर्षों का भोग होना है। 

पंच महायज्ञ

       1- ब्रह्मयज्ञ   

       2- देवयज्ञ

       3- पितृयज्ञ

       4- बलिवैश्वदेवयज्ञ

       5- अतिथियज्ञ


स्वर्ग  -  जहाँ सुख है।

नरक  -  जहाँ दुःख है।.

*#भगवान_शिव के  "35" रहस्य!!!!!!!!

भगवान शिव अर्थात पार्वती के पति शंकर जिन्हें महादेव, भोलेनाथ, आदिनाथ आदि कहा जाता है।

🔱1. आदिनाथ शिव : - सर्वप्रथम शिव ने ही धरती पर जीवन के प्रचार-प्रसार का प्रयास किया इसलिए उन्हें 'आदिदेव' भी कहा जाता है। 'आदि' का अर्थ प्रारंभ। आदिनाथ होने के कारण उनका एक नाम 'आदिश' भी है।

🔱2. शिव के अस्त्र-शस्त्र : - शिव का धनुष पिनाक, चक्र भवरेंदु और सुदर्शन, अस्त्र पाशुपतास्त्र और शस्त्र त्रिशूल है। उक्त सभी का उन्होंने ही निर्माण किया था।

🔱3. भगवान शिव का नाग : - शिव के गले में जो नाग लिपटा रहता है उसका नाम वासुकि है। वासुकि के बड़े भाई का नाम शेषनाग है।

🔱4. शिव की अर्द्धांगिनी : - शिव की पहली पत्नी सती ने ही अगले जन्म में पार्वती के रूप में जन्म लिया और वही उमा, उर्मि, काली कही गई हैं।

🔱5. शिव के पुत्र : - शिव के प्रमुख 6 पुत्र हैं- गणेश, कार्तिकेय, सुकेश, जलंधर, अयप्पा और भूमा। सभी के जन्म की कथा रोचक है।

🔱6. शिव के शिष्य : - शिव के 7 शिष्य हैं जिन्हें प्रारंभिक सप्तऋषि माना गया है। इन ऋषियों ने ही शिव के ज्ञान को संपूर्ण धरती पर प्रचारित किया जिसके चलते भिन्न-भिन्न धर्म और संस्कृतियों की उत्पत्ति हुई। शिव ने ही गुरु और शिष्य परंपरा की शुरुआत की थी। शिव के शिष्य हैं- बृहस्पति, विशालाक्ष, शुक्र, सहस्राक्ष, महेन्द्र, प्राचेतस मनु, भरद्वाज इसके अलावा 8वें गौरशिरस मुनि भी थे।

🔱7. शिव के गण : - शिव के गणों में भैरव, वीरभद्र, मणिभद्र, चंदिस, नंदी, श्रृंगी, भृगिरिटी, शैल, गोकर्ण, घंटाकर्ण, जय और विजय प्रमुख हैं। इसके अलावा, पिशाच, दैत्य और नाग-नागिन, पशुओं को भी शिव का गण माना जाता है। 

🔱8. शिव पंचायत : - भगवान सूर्य, गणपति, देवी, रुद्र और विष्णु ये शिव पंचायत कहलाते हैं।

🔱9. शिव के द्वारपाल : - नंदी, स्कंद, रिटी, वृषभ, भृंगी, गणेश, उमा-महेश्वर और महाकाल।

🔱10. शिव पार्षद : - जिस तरह जय और विजय विष्णु के पार्षद हैं उसी तरह बाण, रावण, चंड, नंदी, भृंगी आदि शिव के पार्षद हैं।

🔱11. सभी धर्मों का केंद्र शिव : - शिव की वेशभूषा ऐसी है कि प्रत्येक धर्म के लोग उनमें अपने प्रतीक ढूंढ सकते हैं। मुशरिक, यजीदी, साबिईन, सुबी, इब्राहीमी धर्मों में शिव के होने की छाप स्पष्ट रूप से देखी जा सकती है। शिव के शिष्यों से एक ऐसी परंपरा की शुरुआत हुई, जो आगे चलकर शैव, सिद्ध, नाथ, दिगंबर और सूफी संप्रदाय में वि‍भक्त हो गई।

🔱12. बौद्ध साहित्य के मर्मज्ञ अंतरराष्ट्रीय : -  ख्यातिप्राप्त विद्वान प्रोफेसर उपासक का मानना है कि शंकर ने ही बुद्ध के रूप में जन्म लिया था। उन्होंने पालि ग्रंथों में वर्णित 27 बुद्धों का उल्लेख करते हुए बताया कि इनमें बुद्ध के 3 नाम अतिप्राचीन हैं- तणंकर, शणंकर और मेघंकर।

🔱13. देवता और असुर दोनों के प्रिय शिव : - भगवान शिव को देवों के साथ असुर, दानव, राक्षस, पिशाच, गंधर्व, यक्ष आदि सभी पूजते हैं। वे रावण को भी वरदान देते हैं और राम को भी। उन्होंने भस्मासुर, शुक्राचार्य आदि कई असुरों को वरदान दिया था। शिव, सभी आदिवासी, वनवासी जाति, वर्ण, धर्म और समाज के सर्वोच्च देवता हैं।

🔱14. शिव चिह्न : - वनवासी से लेकर सभी साधारण व्‍यक्ति जिस चिह्न की पूजा कर सकें, उस पत्‍थर के ढेले, बटिया को शिव का चिह्न माना जाता है। इसके अलावा रुद्राक्ष और त्रिशूल को भी शिव का चिह्न माना गया है। कुछ लोग डमरू और अर्द्ध चन्द्र को भी शिव का चिह्न मानते हैं, हालांकि ज्यादातर लोग शिवलिंग अर्थात शिव की ज्योति का पूजन करते हैं।

🔱15. शिव की गुफा : - शिव ने भस्मासुर से बचने के लिए एक पहाड़ी में अपने त्रिशूल से एक गुफा बनाई और वे फिर उसी गुफा में छिप गए। वह गुफा जम्मू से 150 किलोमीटर दूर त्रिकूटा की पहाड़ियों पर है। दूसरी ओर भगवान शिव ने जहां पार्वती को अमृत ज्ञान दिया था वह गुफा 'अमरनाथ गुफा' के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है।

🔱16. शिव के पैरों के निशान : - श्रीपद- श्रीलंका में रतन द्वीप पहाड़ की चोटी पर स्थित श्रीपद नामक मंदिर में शिव के पैरों के निशान हैं। ये पदचिह्न 5 फुट 7 इंच लंबे और 2 फुट 6 इंच चौड़े हैं। इस स्थान को सिवानोलीपदम कहते हैं। कुछ लोग इसे आदम पीक कहते हैं।

रुद्र पद- तमिलनाडु के नागपट्टीनम जिले के थिरुवेंगडू क्षेत्र में श्रीस्वेदारण्येश्‍वर का मंदिर में शिव के पदचिह्न हैं जिसे 'रुद्र पदम' कहा जाता है। इसके अलावा थिरुवन्नामलाई में भी एक स्थान पर शिव के पदचिह्न हैं।

तेजपुर- असम के तेजपुर में ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी के पास स्थित रुद्रपद मंदिर में शिव के दाएं पैर का निशान है।

जागेश्वर- उत्तराखंड के अल्मोड़ा से 36 किलोमीटर दूर जागेश्वर मंदिर की पहाड़ी से लगभग साढ़े 4 किलोमीटर दूर जंगल में भीम के पास शिव के पदचिह्न हैं। पांडवों को दर्शन देने से बचने के लिए उन्होंने अपना एक पैर यहां और दूसरा कैलाश में रखा था।

रांची- झारखंड के रांची रेलवे स्टेशन से 7 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर 'रांची हिल' पर शिवजी के पैरों के निशान हैं। इस स्थान को 'पहाड़ी बाबा मंदिर' कहा जाता है।

🔱17. शिव के अवतार : - वीरभद्र, पिप्पलाद, नंदी, भैरव, महेश, अश्वत्थामा, शरभावतार, गृहपति, दुर्वासा, हनुमान, वृषभ, यतिनाथ, कृष्णदर्शन, अवधूत, भिक्षुवर्य, सुरेश्वर, किरात, सुनटनर्तक, ब्रह्मचारी, यक्ष, वैश्यानाथ, द्विजेश्वर, हंसरूप, द्विज, नतेश्वर आदि हुए हैं। वेदों में रुद्रों का जिक्र है। रुद्र 11 बताए जाते हैं- कपाली, पिंगल, भीम, विरुपाक्ष, विलोहित, शास्ता, अजपाद, आपिर्बुध्य, शंभू, चण्ड तथा भव।

🔱18. शिव का विरोधाभासिक परिवार : - शिवपुत्र कार्तिकेय का वाहन मयूर है, जबकि शिव के गले में वासुकि नाग है। स्वभाव से मयूर और नाग आपस में दुश्मन हैं। इधर गणपति का वाहन चूहा है, जबकि सांप मूषकभक्षी जीव है। पार्वती का वाहन शेर है, लेकिन शिवजी का वाहन तो नंदी बैल है। इस विरोधाभास या वैचारिक भिन्नता के बावजूद परिवार में एकता है।

🔱19.  ति‍ब्बत स्थित कैलाश पर्वत पर उनका निवास है। जहां पर शिव विराजमान हैं उस पर्वत के ठीक नीचे पाताल लोक है जो भगवान विष्णु का स्थान है। शिव के आसन के ऊपर वायुमंडल के पार क्रमश: स्वर्ग लोक और फिर ब्रह्माजी का स्थान है।

🔱20.शिव भक्त : - ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और सभी देवी-देवताओं सहित भगवान राम और कृष्ण भी शिव भक्त है। हरिवंश पुराण के अनुसार, कैलास पर्वत पर कृष्ण ने शिव को प्रसन्न करने के लिए तपस्या की थी। भगवान राम ने रामेश्वरम में शिवलिंग स्थापित कर उनकी पूजा-अर्चना की थी।

🔱21.शिव ध्यान : - शिव की भक्ति हेतु शिव का ध्यान-पूजन किया जाता है। शिवलिंग को बिल्वपत्र चढ़ाकर शिवलिंग के समीप मंत्र जाप या ध्यान करने से मोक्ष का मार्ग पुष्ट होता है।

🔱22.शिव मंत्र : - दो ही शिव के मंत्र हैं पहला- ॐ नम: शिवाय। दूसरा महामृत्युंजय मंत्र- ॐ ह्रौं जू सः। ॐ भूः भुवः स्वः। ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्‌। उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्‌। स्वः भुवः भूः ॐ। सः जू ह्रौं ॐ ॥ है।

🔱23.शिव व्रत और त्योहार : - सोमवार, प्रदोष और श्रावण मास में शिव व्रत रखे जाते हैं। शिवरात्रि और महाशिवरात्रि शिव का प्रमुख पर्व त्योहार है।

🔱24.शिव प्रचारक : - भगवान शंकर की परंपरा को उनके शिष्यों बृहस्पति, विशालाक्ष (शिव), शुक्र, सहस्राक्ष, महेन्द्र, प्राचेतस मनु, भरद्वाज, अगस्त्य मुनि, गौरशिरस मुनि, नंदी, कार्तिकेय, भैरवनाथ आदि ने आगे बढ़ाया। इसके अलावा वीरभद्र, मणिभद्र, चंदिस, नंदी, श्रृंगी, भृगिरिटी, शैल, गोकर्ण, घंटाकर्ण, बाण, रावण, जय और विजय ने भी शैवपंथ का प्रचार किया। इस परंपरा में सबसे बड़ा नाम आदिगुरु भगवान दत्तात्रेय का आता है। दत्तात्रेय के बाद आदि शंकराचार्य, मत्स्येन्द्रनाथ और गुरु गुरुगोरखनाथ का नाम प्रमुखता से लिया जाता है।

🔱25.शिव महिमा : - शिव ने कालकूट नामक विष पिया था जो अमृत मंथन के दौरान निकला था। शिव ने भस्मासुर जैसे कई असुरों को वरदान दिया था। शिव ने कामदेव को भस्म कर दिया था। शिव ने गणेश और राजा दक्ष के सिर को जोड़ दिया था। ब्रह्मा द्वारा छल किए जाने पर शिव ने ब्रह्मा का पांचवां सिर काट दिया था।

🔱26.शैव परम्परा : - दसनामी, शाक्त, सिद्ध, दिगंबर, नाथ, लिंगायत, तमिल शैव, कालमुख शैव, कश्मीरी शैव, वीरशैव, नाग, लकुलीश, पाशुपत, कापालिक, कालदमन और महेश्वर सभी शैव परंपरा से हैं। चंद्रवंशी, सूर्यवंशी, अग्निवंशी और नागवंशी भी शिव की परंपरा से ही माने जाते हैं। भारत की असुर, रक्ष और आदिवासी जाति के आराध्य देव शिव ही हैं। शैव धर्म भारत के आदिवासियों का धर्म है।

🔱27.शिव के प्रमुख नाम : -  शिव के वैसे तो अनेक नाम हैं जिनमें 108 नामों का उल्लेख पुराणों में मिलता है लेकिन यहां प्रचलित नाम जानें- महेश, नीलकंठ, महादेव, महाकाल, शंकर, पशुपतिनाथ, गंगाधर, नटराज, त्रिनेत्र, भोलेनाथ, आदिदेव, आदिनाथ, त्रियंबक, त्रिलोकेश, जटाशंकर, जगदीश, प्रलयंकर, विश्वनाथ, विश्वेश्वर, हर, शिवशंभु, भूतनाथ और रुद्र।

🔱28.अमरनाथ के अमृत वचन : - शिव ने अपनी अर्धांगिनी पार्वती को मोक्ष हेतु अमरनाथ की गुफा में जो ज्ञान दिया उस ज्ञान की आज अनेकानेक शाखाएं हो चली हैं। वह ज्ञानयोग और तंत्र के मूल सूत्रों में शामिल है। 'विज्ञान भैरव तंत्र' एक ऐसा ग्रंथ है, जिसमें भगवान शिव द्वारा पार्वती को बताए गए 112 ध्यान सूत्रों का संकलन है।

🔱29.शिव ग्रंथ : - वेद और उपनिषद सहित विज्ञान भैरव तंत्र, शिव पुराण और शिव संहिता में शिव की संपूर्ण शिक्षा और दीक्षा समाई हुई है। तंत्र के अनेक ग्रंथों में उनकी शिक्षा का विस्तार हुआ है।

🔱30.शिवलिंग : - वायु पुराण के अनुसार प्रलयकाल में समस्त सृष्टि जिसमें लीन हो जाती है और पुन: सृष्टिकाल में जिससे प्रकट होती है, उसे लिंग कहते हैं। इस प्रकार विश्व की संपूर्ण ऊर्जा ही लिंग की प्रतीक है। वस्तुत: यह संपूर्ण सृष्टि बिंदु-नाद स्वरूप है। बिंदु शक्ति है और नाद शिव। बिंदु अर्थात ऊर्जा और नाद अर्थात ध्वनि। यही दो संपूर्ण ब्रह्मांड का आधार है। इसी कारण प्रतीक स्वरूप शिवलिंग की पूजा-अर्चना है।

🔱31.बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग : - सोमनाथ, मल्लिकार्जुन, महाकालेश्वर, ॐकारेश्वर, वैद्यनाथ, भीमशंकर, रामेश्वर, नागेश्वर, विश्वनाथजी, त्र्यम्बकेश्वर, केदारनाथ, घृष्णेश्वर। ज्योतिर्लिंग उत्पत्ति के संबंध में अनेकों मान्यताएं प्रचलित है। ज्योतिर्लिंग यानी 'व्यापक ब्रह्मात्मलिंग' जिसका अर्थ है 'व्यापक प्रकाश'। जो शिवलिंग के बारह खंड हैं। शिवपुराण के अनुसार ब्रह्म, माया, जीव, मन, बुद्धि, चित्त, अहंकार, आकाश, वायु, अग्नि, जल और पृथ्वी को ज्योतिर्लिंग या ज्योति पिंड कहा गया है।

 दूसरी मान्यता अनुसार शिव पुराण के अनुसार प्राचीनकाल में आकाश से ज्‍योति पिंड पृथ्‍वी पर गिरे और उनसे थोड़ी देर के लिए प्रकाश फैल गया। इस तरह के अनेकों उल्का पिंड आकाश से धरती पर गिरे थे। भारत में गिरे अनेकों पिंडों में से प्रमुख बारह पिंड को ही ज्‍योतिर्लिंग में शामिल किया गया।

🔱32.शिव का दर्शन : - शिव के जीवन और दर्शन को जो लोग यथार्थ दृष्टि से देखते हैं वे सही बुद्धि वाले और यथार्थ को पकड़ने वाले शिवभक्त हैं, क्योंकि शिव का दर्शन कहता है कि यथार्थ में जियो, वर्तमान में जियो, अपनी चित्तवृत्तियों से लड़ो मत, उन्हें अजनबी बनकर देखो और कल्पना का भी यथार्थ के लिए उपयोग करो। आइंस्टीन से पूर्व शिव ने ही कहा था कि कल्पना ज्ञान से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है।

🔱33.शिव और शंकर : - शिव का नाम शंकर के साथ जोड़ा जाता है। लोग कहते हैं- शिव, शंकर, भोलेनाथ। इस तरह अनजाने ही कई लोग शिव और शंकर को एक ही सत्ता के दो नाम बताते हैं। असल में, दोनों की प्रतिमाएं अलग-अलग आकृति की हैं। शंकर को हमेशा तपस्वी रूप में दिखाया जाता है। कई जगह तो शंकर को शिवलिंग का ध्यान करते हुए दिखाया गया है। अत: शिव और शंकर दो अलग अलग सत्ताएं है। हालांकि शंकर को भी शिवरूप माना गया है। माना जाता है कि महेष (नंदी) और महाकाल भगवान शंकर के द्वारपाल हैं। रुद्र देवता शंकर की पंचायत के सदस्य हैं।

🔱34. देवों के देव महादेव : देवताओं की दैत्यों से प्रतिस्पर्धा चलती रहती थी। ऐसे में जब भी देवताओं पर घोर संकट आता था तो वे सभी देवाधिदेव महादेव के पास जाते थे। दैत्यों, राक्षसों सहित देवताओं ने भी शिव को कई बार चुनौती दी, लेकिन वे सभी परास्त होकर शिव के समक्ष झुक गए इसीलिए शिव हैं देवों के देव महादेव। वे दैत्यों, दानवों और भूतों के भी प्रिय भगवान हैं। वे राम को भी वरदान देते हैं और रावण को भी।

🔱35. शिव हर काल में : - भगवान शिव ने हर काल में लोगों को दर्शन दिए हैं। राम के समय भी शिव थे। महाभारत काल में भी शिव थे और विक्रमादित्य के काल में भी शिव के दर्शन होने का उल्लेख मिलता है। भविष्य पुराण अनुसार राजा हर्षवर्धन को भी भगवान शिव ने दर्शन दिए थे,

     🌸🙏जय जय श्री राम🌸🙏

Sunday, September 6, 2020

A list of posts on my blog on raising newborns!

A list of posts on my blog on raising newborns!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Nilesh Oak - Sugriv's Atlas


Attended a mind-blowing talk about the accurate precise and detailed descriptions of the world atlas by Sugriv 14000 years ago as given to Bhagwan Rama, as he set out to search for his beloved wife Sita. 

Some of bis past works:

Where to find him:

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Author Saiswaroopa Iyer

Just attended a very informative talk by Saiswaroopa Iyer
I highly recommend checking out here books and talks!

What really struck me today was her comment on Draupadi! During the Vastra Haran, she has been portrayed as a victim! But in reality, she entered the court like the wife of slaves; and left the court victorious - helping the Pandavs regain all their weapons and freedom from slavery! 
So you decide is she really was a helpless victim or an enduring heroine? 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Vegan Posts on Deepti's Blog - from a Hindu Dharma perspective.

Infant Products - Buying Guides

CAR SEATS look for 1. infact only seat (these are portable and smaller) 2. crouch strap is set back far enough that its in contact with the baby's body ?? 3. check for 4 or more harness slots in back so that you can readjust the straps as your baby grows?? 4. recliner feature - adjust the seat to the fir the angle of the backseat of your car 5. hardware and straps is sturdy and easy to do and undo 6. thick straps -wont twist 7. pad of the car seat should be removable, machine washable and made up on 8. breathable material liek cotton 9. buffeted covers or no exposed metal parts - to avoid burns on sunny ways 10. SHOULD DETACH easy to detach and easy to attach in the car base 11. check the car seat in vehicle to check whether long legs are getting space in front. Evenflo strollers - Adjustable handle - Weighs e.g. 20 pounds - The travel system includes the discovery 5-point harness infant car seat - with stay-in-car base - EPS energy absorbing foam - ergonomic carry handle. - has covered storage for privacy. Evenflo Rating = 1 Evenflo Eurotrek Travel System - Desert Palm wanted an adjustable seat that can go from completely upright to fully recline a with a metal adjuster, not just some pull string. The second most important feature for us was being able to fold the stroller without it collapsing to the ground. Also wanted a good sized basket and canopy REGARDING THE FULL SIZED CANOPY AND MODEL NUMBER: The full-sized canopy, which is probably one of the biggest selling features of the EuroTrek does NOT come with ALL EuroTrek Travel Systems! This was stated by a previous amazon reviewer who has purchased a EuroTrek in Pinebrook and I contacted Evenflo via email to verify this before we made our purchase. They responded promptly and told me that all Eurotrek Travel Systems that have a model number starting with 539 have the full coverage canopy. These patterns are the Leopard, Desert Palm, McAllister, and Hudson Bay. EuroTrek travel systems currently available that have a model number starting with 580 will not have the full coverage canopy. There patters are the Pinebrook and also Hudson Bay. So be sure to pay attention to the first three numbers of the model number, especially if you want the Hudson Bay print which can have either! The good news are that it's VERY EASY to fold and unfold! The other models have a special "security lock" that you have to unlock manually, but in this model the "security lock" unlocks automatically. (You REALLY use only one hand). GLASS BOTTLES I have bought a whole line of Dr. Browns's wide mouth for my daughter while I was pregnant with her. Now I had got rid of them and replaced them to the conventional glass bottles from Evenflo + Gerber nipples. The latex Gerber nipple worked fine for slow flow, but once you need a faster flow, latex does not do a good job. I had a hard time finding the regular classic latex nipples for the glass bottle. I ended switching to using Gerber silicone nipples. It worked!! It vents well and does not collapse. So, if you are going to go glass, I would recommend going silicone. The reason is, it is more hygienic and easier to find replacement nipples. Word of caution : If you intend to add rice cereal in the milk, there is not a classic nipple that will do the job with these Evenflo glass bottle. Dr. Brown has a "Y" cut nipple that will do this, but not Evenflo. I called the company to ask them, and they said all they have is the cross cut fast flow(latex). My daughter(now 8 mths) used the cross cut and sucked on it for 5-8 minutes only to find out that regular milk (not with added cereal) is not even coming out through the nipples. I will have to dump that out too. I find that the Gerber silicone nipples are the best!! Milk heats up fast in the glass bottles with hot water in a mug. Also, the measurement is etched on the glass, not like Dr. Brown's glass (It's printed), so the numbers and scales won't disappear over time.I have used these for over 6 mths now and have not broken 1 bottle! They are very solid and durable. One more drawback: The 8 ounce bottle is kinda hard to wash, but I have gotten used to it now. My favourite brush is the Avent bottle brush. It has many bristles, unlike the regular brush with scarce bristles and a sponge @ the end (harbors bacterial growth). I would rather have a hard time at washing bottles than having my daughter deal with hormonal problems for the rest of her life bacause of the poor choices I make...So, if you decide to go glass, go ahead - it will be the right decision! Your child will have you to thank for! DIAPER BAG 1. water proof material 2. can be carried by both parents - black say in color FORMULA  Some other Brands: Parent's Choice, Comfort (a Kroger brand) or Carnation (Nestle) Good Start.  In general, all baby and infant formula brands that are sold in the United States must meet the minimum nutritional requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the 'Infant Formula Act') and FDA regulations. major brands, such as Enfamil, Similac, or Good Start, and store brands from Walmart, Target, or Kroger, etc., should meet your baby's basic nutritional needs.  Infant Formula Differences: Although all infant formula must meet FDA requirements, there are differences among them. For instance, Good Start is made with 100 percent whey protein, while Similac and Enfamil are made with a combination of whey and casein proteins, like breastmilk. Another difference is that Similac is made without palm olein oil as the predominant source of fat, while Enfamil is made with palm olein oil.  Infant Formula Polls. Less expensive baby formula, such as Carnation (Nestle) Good Start and store brand formula are becoming popular with parents. According to our own baby formula poll, about 11 percent of parents give their infants a Nestle formula and 4 percent use a store brand. Still, the majority of parents feed their baby a Mead Johnson (Enfamil) or Ross (Similac) brand formula. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

All about using Cloth Diapers

I had consulted a few experienced mommas and several articles on the web and FB. But Below is mainly my own experience. I wrote it cause I learned all of that the hard way and hope to make it easier for you!

Cloth diapers are best until you are losing sleep over managing them!

At night we would still do disposable.. .since we couldn't figure out how to control the rash that would develop overnight each night from a urine-soaked cloth diaper. So my quick fix was to use disposable ... plus my son peed and pooed more at night and so with disposable we didn't have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night to change him,

With a cloth diaper, you need three parts
1. the diaper - that holds the insert and wraps around the baby's butt
2. the insert - layer that absorbs
3. the liner - goes in the pot

Here's everything I bought: - Special stuff to clean them - insert  Another popular brand of diaper.

Both are good brands. To begin with, I recommend you buy only 6. You can reuse them mostly with pee; especially with a newborn. Poo usually spills out and you have to use a new cloth diaper.
Having said that, with just 6 on hand, you would have to wash them more frequently... almost every third day at the very max. And yes they either need to hand washed or run two-three washing cycles; with at least one of them separate from the rest of your clothes.
If you can handle that part while being sleep deprived in the initial months, then go ahead and buy another 6 to last a at least a few days longer.

There are several groups on FB where people buy second hand too. Look for groups called 'Crunchy Mamas'

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Remembering the trip to the milk-man doodh-wala

Food is the one central thing that binds humans together. This is why we may love it, hate it, satiate it, drool at it, dread it, plan it, make it, buy it and when tirelessly still talk about it. After all we are what we eat! I am often asked why did I choose to be a vegan. I think this deserved a blog post. First a bit of my own history. I was a vegetarian starting from 2001 until 2011. In 2011 after reading decided it was time to quit the last animal product from my diet - dairy! And thus this particular blog will mainly focus on milk derived from cows (and/or buffaloes) I have to spend a majority of my adolescence in India and a good part in the US and so my references will mainly be from these two countries.  

My husband tells me to answer this complicated question in one line. So my shortest answer to why vegan is - 'For moral, health and environmental reasons'. But that's probably too concise. If I cover just one aspect, say the moral aspect, it would take me a while to describe the gory pain these poor animals go through. If you are willing to take the risk to read details - go ahead. There may be language and description which might against the use in some of our cultures or might not be withstandable, which is why I emphasize the word 'risk'. 

If you were grouping up in Indian some 10-20 years ago, chances are you must have accompanied someone to collect milk from a buffalo farm during the morning or evening hours. There would be a queue of people waiting with several times more demand than the supply. There would also be days, when the buffalo would refuse to give milk. After multiple unsuccessful attempts, the dairy owner would finally bring in a calf, let it suckle on its the buffalo for a minute or so, and then instantly drag the baby calf away from the rope tied around one of its the calves most delicate areas - the neck. That calf would first try try with all its might to go back on to suckling, but would soon give-in perhaps from the unbearable pain of a chocked esophagus and thus the starving baby would end up mercilessly tied away. While all this was happening we 'the mighty customer' - would shuffle eagerly waiting to get our share and go back. We would constantly recheck our watches on the time lost in this mayhem. Some would curse the doodh-wala (the farm owner) questioning him - in the absence of the requested 1-kilo milk how would they feed their kids and prepare tea to their husband that day. Even among these some super elevated human souls would even curse the buffalo for not producing enough. 

Just pause for a minute and think- what did the small-scale business owner or cattle farmer do here? Well he did not have a ton of technology on hand to fool the mom to start giving milk, so it just used the baby as a means to start the mom's milk flow. Let's take a further step back to reflect on how is that milk produced. Yes just like humans, when their baby is born, their bodies produce it as a food product for their-new-born-infant. What intrigues me is that when I discuss my reasons for being a vegan, the first and most common reaction I get is oh we never thought of that. was that an animal or a factory machine designed to produce food? Interestingly, when most of our parents would reminiscence every single detail around our births, there would never a single conversation around  Cows and buffaloes, just like humans carry their fetuses for nine months. Now whether in India, or the US, or any part of the world, half of these babies are male. Male calves are not needed. Why - since they cant produce future babies nor produce milk. (We will come back later to how do cows get pregnant then) What happens to those male calves - do the farmers let them suckle on their mom's tits? No way! What use is it to a business owner if he lets his 'waste by-product' use his most 'precious resources'.  To give you some perspective, to meet our daily requirements of dairy-based milk, curd, cheese, whip cream, sour cream, ghee, khoya, butter, paneer, milk powder etc. which go into our tea, coffee, shakes, cakes, pizza, gulab jamun, rasmalai, icecream, kadhi, lassi, malai kofta, saag-panner, panner samosa, panner pakodha.... and this endless list slowly creeping into everything served on your plate. Coming back to the perspective point - to meet this crazy demand which has grown 10 fold in India alone in the last 10 years, today's cattle farmers have found the perfect equation as to exactly how many babies (calves) are needed to meet it. Do you know whats that number is US alone? 22 babies a second. And coming back to male calves - the half which are an 'unnecessary' by-product of the dairy industry are killed at that rate. In the US we force the cows to produce as many babies that in US alone 11 male calves are killed EVERY SECOND!. India has far beaten US in beef production, and definitely the number is much more than 16000 calfs a day! (yes more than SIXTEEN THOUSAND male calves a day in India are killed! (Ironically human girls in many parts of Asia are treated much like bovine male calves - unnecessary by-products, 10 million killed in the last 20 years. 
Another 200 million missing from China and and ). These numbers are NOT mere statistics. Every single one of those calves is killed, at the very latest within a month of his birth!  If you are a parent, grandparent, or just know a baby, just imagine that helpless creature brought into this world a few hours or days ago, still struggling to adjust in this worldly environment away, being forcefully town away from its mom, and kept hungry and thirsty. 

There is a whole separate industry to cater to the needs of those white and tender meat-loving folks, who would spend any amount of money to sit on the softest leather made from a newborn 1-10 day old calf.  

And if you thought the girl calves were better off, they lead ever a more horrific life. 

In smaller farm settings we 'Hindus' worship the cow, so we don't kill the calf, just allow it to die a slow 'natural' death by starving it, and STEAL all the milk from its mother, to fulfill the greeds of their buyers - like you and me! Once dead, we make money by selling it to for example Muslim buyers! And this is how we Hindus, 'worshippers of cows' - still manage to make money on the dead baby!!! I am NOT talking about one-off isolated cases, where that one farmer friend takes care of that one cow he owns! I am talking about EVERY commercially owned dairy farm in EVERY part of this earth, including sacred places like Kashi and Mathura! 

Did you ever stop by and wonder why there is this sudden need to open

I leave you with a few links to checkout... - book on vegan diet, starting with pregnancy - vegan mom blogs - please focus of eating right, if you are truly concerned about their health 

Vegan Groups in Greater Seattle

If you are new to Seattle and looking for your tribe, start from here.

If you like to be personally introduced to some awesome vegan folks out there, leave me a comment or shoot me an email, and I would be happy to connect with you directly!

I am part of many of these groups. These are loving, passionate people who truly care about the animals

Related, but where veganism is a small part of their bigger plans: - A vegan and gluten free shop focused on raw food. None the less a bunch of wonderful and helpful people.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Deepti's interview in a vegan magazine

Dear Deepti,
Thanks for agreeing to get featured. The purpose of this article is to focus on your vegan pregnancy and any challenges/highlights. So, here go the questions!

1. How long have you been vegan and what prompted the move?
2. Were there any particular cravings or aversions you had to deal with? How did you manage?
3. What were some of the challenges you faced?
4. Were there any obvious benefits you felt?
5. India as a nation is obsessed with ghee, and women, after delivery, are encouraged to have heaps of it (along with mutton bone soup and other animal products.) What were the things you included in your post-natal diet?
6. Your advice to women out there who may be wary of going vegan or staying vegan when pregnant?
Q: How long have you been vegan and what prompted the move?
Deepti: I started reading about veganism around 2010. Me and my kids are vegan since 2011. When I first was introduced to the idea, my reaction was of disbelief. I ignored the concept like a new diet fad. However, as I kept on reading independent studies after studies, it started to occur that there was much more to it than just diet. People narrated their first-hand horrific experiences of cows being impregnated while lactating; of painful insemination methods; of hormones to keep their supplies up artificially; of stolen calves and grieving mothers; and so much more. It was hard to even comprehend how low could humans stoop down. This made me reflect on my own dietary choices. However, the goodness and health benefits of dairy were so ingrained in me, that it took me many more months before I could take the leap of faith. Once, as I sat down to enjoy my favorite vegetarian dish at a restaurant; and closed my eyes to devour it; I witnessed a cow standing right in front of me. Her eyes were full of tears and she was looking at me while attempting to explain... Deepti they took my baby and killed him so that you may enjoy your meal! Later, as I joined the pieces of the puzzle together, below are the most powerful thoughts that struck me and stayed with me. 

Just as I am a mom to my human kids, the cow is a mom to her kids. If my baby ever falls sick; say develops fever; I go insane if the fever doesn’t subside. However, death creates far more lifelong impressions than just one episode of sickness. How does that mother cow endure who is constantly raped; falls in love with her newborn; only to lose her baby to a bunch of rakshas [from her point of view: we humans must be demons; presumably from whom she might even be plotting to steal human milk to feed her own calves; at least if not more; in revenge alone]. 

Sadly, a cow not only experiences this painful birth and death multiple times in her own life; she also witnesses this happening to all her friends [cows] around her; in repeated cycles. The law of karma is undeniable! Whether good or bad; the energy that goes, has to come back. Whether I personally cause harm, or I pay someone to do it; I continue to be a part of the problem until I consume dairy. It’s high time, I did something to be a part of the solution! The solution is loud and clear! 

I was convinced veganism was the way to go. Over the course of this past year, I joined multiple vegan communities over social media and had the fortune of reading first-hand experiences from people all over the world. Many independent-contributors/parents/families wrote about a turning point in their life which helped them transition into vegan overnight. However, I choose to gradually transition/introduce non-dairy substitutes one at a time for me and my kids. Atharv was 2.5 years old and Avika was a newborn around that time. I am thankful to my husband who, in principle; supported me in my experiments with non-dairy substitutes. I started my family with the low hanging fruits such as paneer and cheese. Next came butter, then came in curd and ghee; followed by other items. Personally, tea was the last thing I gave up. I had the option to switch to almond or other nut-based mylk teas. However, I choose to give up tea completely. Today I am proud to say, it’s a blessing in disguise, to be tea-addict free for over 7 years! 

Q: Were there any particular cravings or aversions you had to deal with? How did you manage?
Deepti: My recent pregnancy with Ishaan was particularly interesting in terms of cravings. Even though legumes were the main source of my daily intake of protein, I had trouble consuming them. Where the logical side of me was worried about protein deficiency; my inner voice kept reminding me to trust my body. I told myself that my body knew it all, and; it would only signal my mind what was best for both me and the new life sprouting within; and that all I needed to do was to continue to listen to it without self-doubting! 

Unlike my earlier two pregnancies; this time each new craving lasted a week. Also unlike my earlier two pregnancies where I craved for specific dishes; this time my cravings were for specific ingredients. Interestingly at the top of the list were black salt; raw & ripe jackfruit; persimmon fruit, and sweet lemon pickle. At one time it was coconut oil and that week I literally poured a cup of oil in each serving and still survived :) 

Q: What were some of the challenges you faced?
Deepti: Being vegan was not as much a challenge for me as it was for my friends and loved ones. My family back in India and my friends in the US were overly concerned that I was depriving the little one inside of vital nutrition. A recent visitor from India who had applauded me multiple times on my bountiful vegan pantry; now wondered why I choose to bring another soul to earth; only to deprive it of dairy; just like I deprived Atharv and Avika! A few Folsom (a small city in California where I live) friends spent hours trying to convince me and my husband why I should give up my ‘supposedly crazy’ diet; if not forever; at least during pregnancy. Regardless of the rebuke or regardless of a series of illogical explanations, people’s genuine concerns about my yet unborn made me feel loved and blessed. 

Q: Were there any obvious benefits you felt?
Deepti: Going vegan helped me improve my health in many small and big ways. After turning vegan in 2011; in the four years that were to follow; I effortlessly and steadily lost 40 pounds (18 kilos) without any exercise, diet, fasting etc. (I still have another 15 kilos to get rid of. And my excuses are - no exercise; hypothyroidism for 25 years; my sweet tooth; and my love for oil and deep fried delicacies) Coming back to health benefits; not just in weight; I saw improvement in issues I could never imagine were linked to dairy. I had developed knee pain and breathlessness in my late twenties. Both disappeared after a vegan diet. I had chronic cold, cough and produced copious amount of phlegm all year round; all of which disappeared. Occasionally my eyes produced some kind of film which blocked my vision. I could not step out without deodorant. If I ever ran out of vegan substitutes and gave-in to dairy; one or more of these symptoms would return; to reinstate these symptoms were closely linked to the unsuspecting diary! Individuals over social media have reported getting healed from a variety of symptoms, unique and very different from my experiences. Likewise, given that each body is different, my 2 cents is that every individual who goes vegan should anticipate their own unique experiences.

Q: India as a nation is obsessed with ghee, and women, after delivery, are encouraged to have heaps of it (along with mutton bone soup and other animal products.) What were the things you included in your post-natal diet?
Deepti: After Ishaan arrived this June 2018, for the first two months I tried to stick to lentils that are considered easier to digest. I had khichadhi made of either red masoor or yellow moong. Either that; or oats with veggies khichaDhi. My diet also included a variety of cooked veggies; idli, dosa and chapati. Temperatures in Folsom average to 40 C / 105 F in June; but my body within was as cold as tundra. Hubby had prepared a huge batch of harera for me. This traditional recipe was not only my dessert but also gave me the much needed internal warmth after the ‘marathon’ called ‘delivery’. I also had a variety of ladoos generously cooked and donated by local friends. Flaxseed, coconut, dates to name a few. As a substitute for ghee, my friends used coconut, sesame and mustard oils in their preparations for their vegan friend. I avoided processed meals, restaurant food, and anything straight from the fridge for the first few months.  

Q: Your advice to women out there who may be wary of going vegan or staying vegan when pregnant?
Deepti: The health benefits of ghee or curd are undeniable. However, while considering benefits, it’s extremely important to be mindful where is it sourced from. Today’s dairy milk no longer comes from treated-like-family-member cow in Grandpas village. A few decades ago; growing up in Ghaziabad; we either had buffalo milk or cow milk from breeds considered unfit for human consumption. Today even worse; unless adulterated with laundry detergents; our dairy comes from industrialized factory farms. One needs to give serious consideration; as to when pasture grazers are confined for their lives, fed food inappropriate for their digestive tracts; pumped with antibiotics, and milk producing hormones; when cows are constantly raped, tortured and killed in front of each other; when their newborns are stolen to satiate human greed; how on earth can the resultant dairy be beneficial! This dairy; if anything; is far from being healthy. 

Ironically; as a society; at one end we pride in force-feeding dairy milk to our human kids. At the other end, we are shamed into feeding our own milk in public, which rightfully belongs to our babies! Other than humans, no species on earth consumes dairy from another species. I hail from a generation where daughters and daughter-in-laws are expected to abide by family customs, traditions, and values as-is; where compliance to elders - even in matters of disagreement is a virtue; and where counter questioning spouses’ dietary choices is an offense. Without courage, none of us can overcome our degrading tendencies and fight the battle for a personal or social change. Despite my traditional upbringing; despite criticism from those closest to my heart; despite rebuke from people I looked up to for strength and support; and despite condemnation from neighbors, acquaintances and everyone in between, whose conscience was pricked by the logic of veganism; I miraculously continued to muster strength all along, stood against all odds, and stuck to my principals. And when everything seemed to fail, my vegan Ladoo Gopal never failed to answer my prayers. 

My message to fellow moms and would-be-moms is simple. Our baby is, and rightly should be our #1 priority. As a mother, we have 100% stake in the health of the life growing within. The bottom line responsibility for making the best choices for the baby’s health, nutrition and well-being lies in a mother’s hands. Keep in mind, there is no way you can harm you or your unborn on a well balanced plant-based diet consisting of leafy greens and other veggies, fruits, beans, legumes, nuts and a little oil. From South to North; and from East to West; the easiest path is to follow our own grandma’s traditional diet (minus the dairy products of course); whatever it may be; whether daal-roti or dosa-sambhar or something else. If you are still unsure about considering a vegan pregnancy, consider joining one of the several vegan parenting support groups over facebook where like-minded parents offer tons of free support and advice. 

I stand up to be the voice of the voiceless. I hope to see the end of the era of normalized violence and see the dawn of the era of normalized nonviolence in this lifetime. And I am painfully aware that my part is but a drop in an ocean. But if my few days of effort in preparing this written interview can inspire even one mother to go vegan, it’s well worth the effort! 

Q: Links of the supplements you consume.
1. B12: two kinds - both empty stomach under the tongue

2. Blackthorn Elixer

3. Probiotic 

Q: Name + what you do + where you are based 
Deepti Sharan Shukla 

I am a Computer Professional who has had the fortune to work with great individuals at Amazon, Nordstrom, Infosys, DHL in the past. Currently an at-home mom, living in Folsom, California, with my husband - Abhinav Shukla; an internationally renowned Hindi poet; and three kids - Atharv, Avika, and Ishaan.  

Here are a few more blogs this amateur wrote in the past. Also includes vegan resources compiled by fellow vegans:

Here are the tiny URLS of those same blogs in order:  
