Looking at the bed you may feel that the bed looks just enough for one person. But if you got a chance to click at the link above, this Queen Size Bed is 60'' wide, which makes it f. i.v.e f.e.e.t wide. Frankly it is good enought for three normal sized girls side-by-side !!!
No jokes. The snap proves it all, how hard it was for the camera to capture his complete length, breath and width just this morning. Poor me, no wonder I sometimes end up on the floor and at other times, even outside the bedroom (from where I was trying to capture his unique sleeping posture). ...And wasn't it last night when he comes in at 2 am, only to wake me up in the middle of the night, to tell me that I was needed to get off from 'his' half of the bed and push myself to 'my own' half. Oh perhaps your focus stopped at the words 'comes in' and are wondering what was he doing away from home at that odd hour. Well to be honest with you, Abhinav rarely ever goes out of home. Normally any time between 12 am and 4 am, Abhinav leaves the company of... <>... in the hall and enters our bedroom, with the only caveat that while I am asleep, he enjoys all his time with his dear and beloved ... sob sob ... <>, which is also his second wife... the laptop!!! Abhinav not only gobbles and eats with her, but even cleans his nostrils with his index finger in front of her! His nostrils have now widened apart so much, that I sometimes get this idea of using them as for storage if we ever fall short of bins and boxes to keep our things. If nothing else, at least our first kids' clothes can at least be stored with in them.
Oh well, I was telling you my woes as being a wife. So while it's such a major effort on his part to spend more than 5 minutes sitting with me, this laptop has the potential to keep my husband's eyes glued to her electronically lighted stupid face for tens of hours at a stretch. Before marriage, my life's biggest irony was, that I presumed I knew Abhinav well before I agreed to marry him. Alas the biggest shock of my life came to me when I moved to his apartment after marriage, and the fact that Abhinav was already married was disclosed. That time his wife was the 'The Television'. As this revelation was not enough to end our honey moon period, there were more surprises for me in store ahead. An year later, when our company sent us to Seattle, and Abhinav announced he was in no mood to purchase a TV for our Seattle apartment; I finally felt relieved on the though of getting a lost husband back into my life for the first time. But who knew my dreams were short lived. Who knew, that Abhinav would soon forget his first love and fall in love with the laptop. Alas, sometimes I wish I was born in the dark ages !!!!
Coming back to storage problems, we don't have any kids yet, but eventually will have some day. Abhinav dreams of naming his kids, something irrelevant of their gender, so that he does not have to think again if the boy turns out instead of a girl, or vice-versa. He's already decided he will name his kids in this order:
1. Karmanye Vaadhika-raste,
2. Maa Phaleshu Kadachana,
3. Maa karma-phala-hetur-bhoorma,
4. MaTe sangostwakarmini.
Which means, some day when we will finally have two kids, and he will name all four of them; or rather bestow on them; long Sanskrit names. The whole idea behind this philosophy is that by the time their poor mummy would have ended calling out the complete names, they would have run 5 Kilometers away from their home, and would this way avoid eating their vegetables or cleaning the mess behind them. This way their papa can get all the credit for having protected his kids from mummy's tortures throughout their childhood. Oh my God! I wonder what does future hold for me.
Perhaps Abhinav is not bad after all. With my cyst troubling me since a couple of weeks and Abhinav being on vacation between his job switch; we had more time at home together. So I shared my idea of playing chess with this with the intention of trying to keep both of us together in the same room for more than 5 minutes at a stretch. Little did I know that this game will be so morally discouraging for me. In the 6 matches we have played in the past 3 days, Abhinav has been defecting me each and every time - the worst ever defeat I have ever faced in my entire lifetime.
I could have shared more about my mistakes in my moves, but I am now forced to get up, as the big buy just has just woke up from his sleep and expresses his desire to be with his <> for sometime. See you later friends.