Hi Freinds,
Am back after a long time... I guess I am sure, I have already offended my (medical) doctor friends by the title...
home remedies!!!! for a baby - I can hear you say..
have you gone nuts already ... what me!!? welllll n..... ooo, not exactly ... home remedies have a higher success rate and no side effects on a delicate kid... :) ... I know this isn't a good enought explaination to my doc freinds... but anyways here we are to have a small repository of home remedies for cold... for a small kid, or a baby.
So my friend wasn't in her best wits 2 weeks back, when her kid's cold went beyond the first couple of days... orkut and my Holy Child School Community, my mummy, mummy ji and all had a list of wonderful suggestions. Here they go:
Babies often sneeze, but this is not necessarily a sign of a cold. However, if your baby sounds congested, coughs and has some nasal drainage, a cold may have developed. Most colds are mild and don’t interfere with normal feedings and sleep.
Steps to make your baby more comfortable include:
1. Elevate the head of the crib – adjust the crib setting, place books under the head end of the mattress, or let baby sleep in the infant seat.
2. Ask your pharmacist to help you with saline drops and baby bulbs. (never seen them myself), but when you nose is stuffed with 'nosy', the saline water and bulb helps to pull out the nosy and makes its easier for the kid to breathe. Use an infant bulb syringe (aspirator) to gently suction mucus from the nose. Saline (salt water) drops may be helpful because they loosen the mucus. Add two to three drops in each nostril prior to suctioning. These drops may be purchased without a prescription or made at home by adding one teaspoon of salt to one cup of room temperature water.
3. Give only luke warm water to drink. Cold water - an absolute no no
4. In the smallest room in your home, put two spoons of vicks vaporub, in a steam vapouriser (or else even a room humidisor) . Place your baby wrapped in warm clothes, near the humidiser. The fumes thus generated in the air, would go into the lungs of the baby and help the lungs and nose to open.
5. Close the windows and door of the smallest room of your house. Warm some mustard oil, optionally add roasted garlic to the oil. Masage the baby with this warm oil. Once done, cover the baby in warm clothes and do not bath or expose to air, for at least the next 30-40 minutes.
6. Close the door and windows of your bathroom. Open all the hot water taps and let the baby have steam bath.
7. Give the baby as much as fluid as possible. Avoid yogurts or products directly out of the refrigerator.
8. Put desi ghee is one of the nostrils and make the baby rest on its stomach. The ghee comes out of the other nostril, clearing the nose and bringing out all the nosy finding inside.
9. Try out homeopathy* - Homeopathy is always easy on the body and has absolutely no side effects.
10. Jayfal - ghis ke dedo.
* If you are in US and are looking for some online homeopathy shops - try these:
http://abchomeopathy.com/shop.php www.hmedicine.com http://www.homeopathyworks.com/index.html http://www.boironusa.com/consumer-caregiver/where-to-buy.html- Courtsey: Piyush-Shuchi Bhaiya-Bhabs
List of other websites:
http://www.homeopathyovernight.com/ You can also call them and order over the phone and they'll send it to you - Phone number - 1-800-276- 4223 (Suggested by Pushpa Aunty)
Here is a consolidated list of replies I got for the benefit of the rest of us:
You can check whole foods. I use to get homeopathy medicine from whole foods back in Austin, Tx. I havn't tried here but i am quite sure you'll get it there.
Rainbow Natural Remedies
409 15th Ave E (Capitol Hill)
(206) 329-8979
1901 N 45th, Seattle
2106 NE 65th, Seattle
Not all have everything, but Rainbow probably has the best selection.
Rainbow sell a lot of homeopathic medicines and herbal as well. They have a naturopathic doctor on-site part of the time. You should call ahead to make sure that he/she will be there when you go.
There is one in Fremont.
I can't remember the name exactly- Dandelion Co? They are across the street from the stone people that are by the bridge if you know where that is- if not let me know. They are great and I hope they can help you too!
You can order homeopathic medicines online at: www.hmedicine.com. They usually deliver within a few days.
There is a place in Madison Park (on E Madison) called Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy. They have all kinds of herbal remedies - its like an herbal pharmacy.
Alternate Remedies:
This is what GG takes in cold and fever and it works for her
1. Airborne
2. Vitamin C
3. Zinc
4. Spicy soup
5. Lots of fluids – water, juice, tea
6. Lots of sleep and rest
Homeopathy Clinics in Seattle
Recommendations for a Homeopathy Doctor
There is homeopathy clinic in Bellevue : http://www.childhomeopathy.com/contact.html
1. I dont have a kid of my own today, but this blog is part of my social service :)
2. As usual your tips and suggestions and always a welcome to this blog... so keep mailing